Quest'anno sono stata in fiera Venerdì, per fare shopping con Dani e il nostro amico Moreno; e Sabato, per fare i fighi con i nostri costumi da gioco di ruolo dal vivo XD (è da un pò che pianifico un post sulla mia esperienza con i gdr live, ma a quanto pare io e il mio gruppo siamo bravissimi a schivare le foto agli eventi e, non avendo quindi foto decenti dei nostri personaggi, il post non è mai venuto alla luce, ma abbiate fede...).
Come dicevo, Venerdì mi sono dedicata interamente ad esplorare la fiera e, nonostante il budget molto ridotto di quest'anno, alla fine mi sono portata a casa lo stesso qualcosina:
Last week (as every year, since I moved near Turin) I visited Torino Comics (a local comic convention).
This year I attended the fair on Friday, to do some shopping with Dani and our friend Moreno, and Saturday, to show off our live action role-playing game costumes (it's been a while that I plan an article about my larp experience, but apparently me and my group are very good at dodging the event photographer so, not having some decent pictures of our characters, this post has never come to life, but have faith...).
As I said, on Friday I dedicated my visit to exploring the convention and, despite this year's very low budget, I brought something home with me:
Last week (as every year, since I moved near Turin) I visited Torino Comics (a local comic convention).
This year I attended the fair on Friday, to do some shopping with Dani and our friend Moreno, and Saturday, to show off our live action role-playing game costumes (it's been a while that I plan an article about my larp experience, but apparently me and my group are very good at dodging the event photographer so, not having some decent pictures of our characters, this post has never come to life, but have faith...).
As I said, on Friday I dedicated my visit to exploring the convention and, despite this year's very low budget, I brought something home with me:
Il portafogli di Mike Mignola dovrebbe ringraziarmi.../ Mike Mignola's wallet should thank me...
i miei acquisti (decisamente monotematici) sono stati l'ultimo volume di Hellboy, in cui compare anche Batman, l'8 e il 9 del BPRD (sempre di Mignola) e l'action figure di Abe Sapiens dal film di Hellboy. Considerando che il prezzo standard di queste action figures varia tra i 16 e i 24 euro (Hellboy l'avevo pagato 18€), non era nei miei progetti prendere anche gli altri personaggi, ma quando Moreno ha pescato Abe da uno scatolone "tutto a 5€" (lo spesso strato di polvere sulla confezione spiega cosa ci facesse lì dentro...) non ho saputo resistere e l'ho preso :) (anche i fumetti erano scontati: c'è un banco che trovo praticamente ad ogni fiera, che fa sempre il 20% di sconto su tutti i volumi Magic Press).
Sabato invece, non dovendo preoccuparci di portare in giro sacchetti e borse per gli acquisti, siamo tornati in fiera indossando i costumi dei nostri personaggi di Bollaverde, il gdr live a cui partecipiamo dallo scorso Agosto. Eccoci qua in tutto il nostro splendore (e nel mio caso, scomodità XD sì, la mia armatura è in metallo vero) in alcune delle poche foto che sono riuscita a recuperare:
my purchases (definitely monothematic) were the latest volume of Hellboy, which features also Batman, volume 8 and 9 of BPRD (always by Mike Mignola) and the action figure of Abe Sapien from Hellboy movie. Considering that the standard price for these action figures varies between 16 and 24€ (I paid Hellboy 18€), I wasn't planning to buy the other characters, but when Moreno found Abe in a box that said "Everything at 5€" (the thick coat of dust on the packaging explains why he was there...) I could not resist and bought it :) (the comics also were on sale: there is a seller that I find at almost every convention, that always have 20% of discount on all Magic Press volumes).
On Saturday, not having to carry around big bags for shopping, we went back to the convention wearing our Bollaverde costumes (the larp association we play with since last August). Here we are, in all our glory (and in my case discomfort Xd yes, my armour is real metal) in some of the few pictures I found online:
my purchases (definitely monothematic) were the latest volume of Hellboy, which features also Batman, volume 8 and 9 of BPRD (always by Mike Mignola) and the action figure of Abe Sapien from Hellboy movie. Considering that the standard price for these action figures varies between 16 and 24€ (I paid Hellboy 18€), I wasn't planning to buy the other characters, but when Moreno found Abe in a box that said "Everything at 5€" (the thick coat of dust on the packaging explains why he was there...) I could not resist and bought it :) (the comics also were on sale: there is a seller that I find at almost every convention, that always have 20% of discount on all Magic Press volumes).
On Saturday, not having to carry around big bags for shopping, we went back to the convention wearing our Bollaverde costumes (the larp association we play with since last August). Here we are, in all our glory (and in my case discomfort Xd yes, my armour is real metal) in some of the few pictures I found online:
photo by Simone (my college friend)
photo by ComicsLoverCollectorItalia
photo by Giulia Hepburn for Eclisse Magazine
In conclusione devo dire che la fiera, pur essendo quasi identica (stessi espositori, stessa disposizione) a quelle degli anni passati non mi ha delusa: certo, non ha le dimensioni e la varietà di fiere più importanti come Lucca Comics, ma considerando che ce l'ho vicina a casa e che in questo periodo dell'anno solitamente non ci sono altre fiere importanti (ci sarebbe il Romics, ma il viaggio è decisamente fuori dalla mia portata), val sempre la pena farci un giro :)
In the end I have to say that the convention, despite being almost identical (same stands, same place) to past years, didn't disappoint me: of course it doesn't have the size and variety of bigger ones, like Lucca Comics, but considering that it's close to home and the only one in this period of the year (well, there's also Romics, but Rome is definitely too distant and costly for me ^^) Torino Comics is always worth visiting :)
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